Welcome to Freak Flags!

Freak Flags is the most efficient and beautiful flag sprite system available. Freak Flags are specially designed to look great on high resolution displays while delivering the smallest file sizes. These high resolution sprites viewed at icon sizes provide incredible detail on screen and when printed. Careful color palette management and precise illustration allow for remarkably tight png file compression, perfect for mobile bandwidth limitations and high resolution screens.

Choose a File Size:

Freak Flags have 2 high resolution file options.

Available in 42 or 60 pixel width, either file can be displayed in small, medium, large and extra large formats using css. If you don't need your flags to display any larger than 42 pixels, Small works best for the smaller file size. For the utmost in size and detail choose the Large. Try both if you're not sure.

CSS Options:

The Border color is important if your flags will be displayed against a black or white background.

Adding a border prevents some flags from blending into the background. Select which border style should be included in your css.

Special effects can be applied to your flags by adding a css constuctor. Check which effects should be included in your style sheet. Some effects look better on some flags than others.

Round displays the flag in a circular shape. Add ff-round to your flag elements class property.

App Style changes the flags to display in a square shape with rounded corners and a gloss sheen effect. Add ff-app to your flag elements class property.

Sphere changes the flags to display in a round shape with a gloss surface and specular highlight with shadowing. Add ff-sphere to your flag elements class property.

Wave adds a ripple effect to the flag. Add ff-wave to your flag elements class property.

Choose Your Flags:





Middle East



Flag selections represented as a string can be copied or pasted here.

A Replay URL is included in each Proof Sheet to reload its selections.

Import a group of countries by pasting a comma seperated list of two-letter country codes into the field below (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).